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WoollyWolf is a trademark of The Black Fox Company Oy. This page will give you information of our terms and conditions of payment methods, delivery, returns, privacy policies and other terms.


WoollyWolf (Trademark of The Black Fox Company Oy, FI2776630-5)

Mikkolantie 1A, 00640 Helsinki, Finland




We offer full 14 days money back guarantee from the date you receive the order. All returned items must be in original packaging and in good condition. Please note that we don't offer free shipping for returns.



You can pay your order by one of the following methods:

Credit Cards: Visa, MasterCards, American Express. Credit card payment are made by Stripe payment gateway.

Paypal: If you want to pay with PayPal, you must have personal PayPal account for the payment. You can register your Paypal account from Paypal website.



Usually shipments leaves from our warehouse on same or next business day after receiving the payment. There can be occasional delays on holiday seasons.



You can see shipping costs on checkout page or in view cart page if you give your country on ZIP code.  Customer outside of EU are responsible for possible import customs and taxes.

Privacy Policies

Data Security / SSL

woollywolf.co has SSL guaranteed security on every page thus including pages where we manage information from our customer. Such pages are for example checkout page and my account pages.


When you use our web store we collect following information:

  • Contact information
  • Order and payment information
  • Feedback, support inquiries or other message you may send us

We use Google Analytics to analyse our website and how users are using it. Not to give that information to us, you can use Google’s plugin for that: :https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.

Data Storage

We store your data on our ecommerce platform Shopify. Some services we use, like Payment Gateway Stripe, Paypal, or our support system Freshdesk may store your data on their servers in USA or elsewhere. We do not provide your data to any other 3rd party excluding information we need to complete your orders, such information is always handled with SSL connection. We may use cookies and other tracking technologies to enhance our web store usability and user experience and analyse how users are using our web shop. If you want, you can block cookies from your browser, but that may cause some problems in usability of our web shop.

As you browse our website, advertising cookies will be placed on your computer so that we can understand what you are interested in. 



Woollywolf is a Finnish trademark located in Helsinki, Finland and therefore Finnish law will be applied to all disputes arising under this user agreement. All disputes that can’t be solved with mutual agreement between seller and customer will be solved  in the district court of Helsinki, Finland.